Foto Wiki The art of deception revisited (part 2): the unexpected annexation of Crimea in 2014 How were the Ukrainian authorities deceived during the annexation of Crimea in 2014? Part 2 of the diptych on the art of deception focuses on Russia’s application of the concept.
202109 Bouwmeester thumbnail.jpg The art of deception revisited (part 1): current insights Deception includes activities that can take place at all levels, but what are the Western views on deception?
202103 Wollenberg Thumbnail.jpg Counterfire operations against peer competitors Is the Royal Netherlands Army able to conduct counterfire operations against a (near-) peer adversary keen on using artillery on a massive scale?
202101 Matthijssen thumbnail.jpg NATO’s refocus on deterrence Because of the significant changes in the security environment NATO has moved credible and effective deterrence to the forefront again.
2396_ker_45yf.jpg The Suwalki Gap dilemma Concerning the Suwalki Gap, NATO has the options to continue pretending that its present countermeasures are adequate to stop and even roll back a Russian invasion or to increase its defence spending considerably.
Rid.jpg Active Measures Active Measures van Thomas Rid is een must-read voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in hedendaagse beïnvloedingsoperaties en desinformatie, ongeacht vanuit welk land. 
Foto Broeks .jpg ‘De handschoenen zijn uit’ ‘Nederland belijdt internationalisering met de mond, maar doet er veel te weinig aan, zeker in multilateraal verband’, zegt luitenant-generaal b.d. Jan Broeks, tot 2019 directeur-generaal van de internationale militaire staf van de NAVO, in een interview met de Militaire Spectator.  
broeks.jpg The necessary adaptation of NATO’s Military Instrument of Power Peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic region are threatened by growing instability on the southern and eastern flanks of NATO, but the Alliance has adapted to ensure that its deterrence and defence posture remains credible, coherent and resilient.