Contemporary war: a Russian perspective
Theories and concepts used by Western scholars to describe Moscow’s actions do not appear in the Russian military lexicon or refer to different subjects.
Unmanned Systems Forces garanderen Oekraïense graanexport
Bij het continueren van de graanexport over zee, een van de grootste successen van de Oekraïners na de grootschalige Russische invasie van 2022, spelen de Unmanned Systems Forces een cruciale rol.
NATO force projection and Russian military interdiction
Analysis indicates that the Russian military can potentially disrupt NATO’s ground, maritime, and aerial lines of communication more extensively than commonly perceived.
Limits of Russian operational art
The Kremlin’s ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine failed to achieve a swift victory because of Russia’s inability to learn from previous conflicts.
Russische nucleaire doctrine: een inkijk in diepliggende angsten
Russische kruisvluchtwapens en ballistische raketten kunnen ook een nucleaire lading dragen en spelen volgens Russische militaire theoretici ook dan een belangrijke rol op het slagveld.
‘Size matters’
To protect Europe, ‘scale, mass, and size matter again’, Lieutenant General Tak warns in this interview with the Militaire Spectator.
‘The threat is tangible’
In an interview with the Militaire Spectator, Martin Hurt of the International Centre for Defence and Security in Tallinn talks about the security situation in Europe after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the need for robust deterrence.
The war in Donbas and the battle for definitions
PART 2: Building on Frank Hoffman's concept of hybrid warfare the 2014-2015 Donbas War can be analysed in order to determine to what extent it can truly be considered a hybrid war.