Photo 1GNC ‘Size matters’ To protect Europe, ‘scale, mass, and size matter again’,  Lieutenant General Tak warns in this interview with the Militaire Spectator.
Photo Estonia Defence ‘The threat is tangible’ In an interview with the Militaire Spectator, Martin Hurt of the International Centre for Defence and Security in Tallinn talks about the security situation in Europe after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the need for robust deterrence. 
Donbas The war in Donbas and the battle for definitions PART 2: Building on Frank Hoffman's concept of hybrid warfare the 2014-2015 Donbas War can be analysed in order to determine to what extent it can truly be considered a hybrid war.
Frans Matser Poetins gelijk ‘Ik moet zeggen dat ik al die verhalen van Sergej over zijn supermoderne leger met die hypermoderne techniek altijd met een korreltje zout heb genomen. Maar het schijnt echt een groot succes te zijn, die speciale militaire operatie om onze Slavische broeders in Oekraïne te bevrijden.’
Foto Wiki The art of deception revisited (part 2): the unexpected annexation of Crimea in 2014 How were the Ukrainian authorities deceived during the annexation of Crimea in 2014? Part 2 of the diptych on the art of deception focuses on Russia’s application of the concept.
202109 Bouwmeester thumbnail.jpg The art of deception revisited (part 1): current insights Deception includes activities that can take place at all levels, but what are the Western views on deception?
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202101 Matthijssen thumbnail.jpg NATO’s refocus on deterrence Because of the significant changes in the security environment NATO has moved credible and effective deterrence to the forefront again.