Frederik Wintermans MMAS

lieutenant colonel F.A.J.J. Wintermans serves as a staff officer at the Directorate Operational Readiness of the Defence Staff.


Foto Forsvarets
NATO force projection and Russian military interdiction Analysis indicates that the Russian military can potentially disrupt NATO’s ground, maritime, and aerial lines of communication more extensively than commonly perceived.
Photo U.S. Department of Defense
The Challenge-Response Dynamic in Military Affairs Considering the origins of the current American operating concept of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) through three phases of US-Russian concept development, key findings include the necessity to anticipate better adversarial concept development.
Foto ANP
Russische nucleaire doctrine: een inkijk in diepliggende angsten Russische kruisvluchtwapens en ballistische raketten kunnen ook een nucleaire lading dragen en spelen volgens Russische militaire theoretici ook dan een belangrijke rol op het slagveld.